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【色之谐】闫平 周刚作品展于艺术粮仓开幕

更新时间:2018-12-21 10:26:53点击次数:34845次字号:T|T



The harmony of colors by Ping Yan and Gang Zhou,opening on December 15th through to the Middle of January 2019. We have the honour to invite artists Ping Yan and Gang Zhou, sponsored by Renmin University (School of Arts), organized by Art Granary, academic supported by China Water-color Research Center, presented by Hongzheng Culture Development co., Ltd. The exhibition curated by Mr. Tao Zhang (Art Director of Art Granary), academic host by Mr. Bing Wang (Professor from China Academy of Fine Arts).

“Harmony of colors” showed more than ten recent oil paintings of artist Ping Yan and more than ten water color works of Gang Zhou. Two artists with different angles of view, different degrees of presentation of the true, pure painting language, in harmony between materials and colors is the theme of this exhibition, thanks all of you for visited!

The exhibition be hold to the middle of the January 2019!

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Exhibition scene














Harmony of colors

Ping Yan and Gang Zhou

展期 「 DATES 」:2018年12月15日 — 2019年01月10日

Dec. 15th, 2018 — Jan. 10th, 2019

策 展 人:张 涛

Curator: Tao Zhang

开幕时间 「 OPENING 」:2018年12月15号 / 星期六, 14:00

Dec.15th 2018 / Sat. 14:00

参访时间 「 VISIT HOURS 」:09:30 AM – 6:30 PM 每周二至周日 Tue. – Sun.

地点 「 VENUE 」:北京市东城区东四十条22号南新仓艺术粮仓

No. 22, Nanxingcang, Dongsishitiao, Dongcheng District, Beijing



Located at Nanxincang, Dongsishitiao, Dongcheng District, Beijing, the Granary Gallery boasts its main building as the former Imperial Granary (built in 1409 AD and listed in the National Cultural Relics Protection List in 2001) for the Ming and Qing dynasties. The Gallery is housed in Barn No.5, one of the eight existing barns and the only one without any pillar, with a building area of 450 square meters.

On the basis of maintaining the classical form of the original over-600-year-old building, the Granary Gallery transforms its space into a place to interpret modern and contemporary art and spirit. It is committed to becoming an inclusive and open art gallery where different cultures, media, histories and social standpoints will be reexamined and where creative ideas and ideologies will be expressed freely. By offering exhibitions and public events, the Granary Gallery will comprehend cultures, arts and our own times together with you, growing into the spiritual granary of the city.

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